

Portfolio Day 2023

Work In Progress - Jul 11, 2023

Portfolio Day 2023

Today is Portfolio Day and I want to share a recap of my personal website updates for the past year! Even though my work has mostly stay the same, my website has underwent small and incremental changes over the year. A few years ago, I created the UX Career Kit to assist designers in early career. I

Building Gatsby With Multiple Post Type

Work In Progress - Sep 17, 2018

Building Gatsby With Multiple Post Type

<Alert status="info"><AlertIcon /><AlertDescription>This article was written using Gatsby v1.0. <a href="/gatsby-website-with-multiple-post-types/">Read my new article</a> for Gatsby v2.0.</AlertDescription></Alert> As a designer with no prior experience in React, starting Gatsby with a starter temp

Why designers need a personal website?

Work In Progress - Aug 26, 2018

Why designers need a personal website?

One of my year resolution for 2018 is to learn front-end coding. I feel that being a designer, learning how to code is the way how I could step up the game in web design, by understanding how every bit and piece fall into places. I had two personal websites, one is my Tumblr and another is my portf