Desktop of Samuel
Full-stack UI/UX designer crafting websites & mobile applications with bespoke experience.
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Interaction and Experience Design
Extensive experience delivering products in corporations and start-ups
Notes on Design & Technology
I write about design, technology and productivity.

Mapping Variable Modes with Component Variants
Last year, Figma introduced a new way to handle light and dark modes: Variable Modes. The promise was clear - design once, switch between modes seamlessly.

OKLCH, explained for designers
OKLCH is a new color space that improves design and development with a wider color gamut. Learn why it's the new standard for web colors.

2024 Wrapped
Kicking off the new year with a review! For the first time, I'm posting my annual review right on Jan 1st. This tradition, which I started way back in 2019

2023 Life Review
Welcome to 2024! As I embark on this new year, I find it important to take a moment to reflect on the past and the things that have brought me joy and fulf
Tools & Resources
Best resources and tools I have been using. Guide on getting started in design & code.

Through the lens
Sets of photos according to cities that I have visited.