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Building Gatsby With Multiple Post Type

Building Gatsby With Multiple Post Type

I'm sharing my way of setting up multiple post types in GatsbyJS. It works for portfolio setup with blog + projects

Why designers need a personal website?

Why designers need a personal website?

I'm summing up the reasons why a designer should build a custom site using Gatsby.JS.

Do Subscription Models Work with Apps?

Do Subscription Models Work with Apps?

Thoughts on Setapp — subscription-based collection for Mac apps

Essential Color Tools to Step Up Your Design Game

Essential Color Tools to Step Up Your Design Game

Best color tools you can find to create beautiful palettes and gradients for your next design project.

How to do localization right - Citymapper in Hong Kong

How to do localization right - Citymapper in Hong Kong

After switching to Android last year, Google Map has been my first choice of transit app. Living in a city that public transport operators discourage open

Whole Earth Catalog

Whole Earth Catalog

1. Steve Jobs did not say “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”, he quoted this line from a 452-page book named “Whole Earth Catalog”. 2. Critics and reporters have