Design Journal

Friends of Figma HK Watch Party!

July 08, 2023


1 min read

Friends of Figma HK Watch Party!

Thanks for joining our first midnight Config Watch Party! It’s always so good to see our amazing Hong Kong design community in person—we love to see all the familiar faces as well as new ones! Special shoutout to one of our new community members who flew in from Beijing!

There’s something special about gathering in real life - it was amazing to experience everyone’s enthusiasm! To pregame the keynote, we had some fun with:

🔵 Dot voting: voted for the config talks we were most excited for

🔮 Predictions: wrote down our best predictions of what would be announced at config

📸 Photo booth: took fun photos!

Treasure hunt: found hidden sticky notes that had Figma-related trivia - answering each question led to a config prize!

We hope everybody had a great time with the community! Until next time

All Config keynotes and talk have been uploaded to Youtube. Watch it now!

FigmaFriends of Figma HK

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