
Newsletter - Sep 28, 2022
How Might We - Summer Blues
Hi Friends, Thank you for those who joined “Do You Know Design Systems” early this month. It’s been a privilege to organise and host in-person event for the community. The night was enlightening covering all about design system. I have also added the deck as a resource below if you missed the event.

Newsletter - Aug 11, 2022
How Might We - Life Update
Hello friends, So here it goes, I started a new role as a product designer this month in a crypto company. Before starting a new role, I’m so grateful that I am able to take some time off, spent with family and friends. Never underestimate the power of a break, it helps you to reset, reflect and av

Design Journal - Jul 24, 2022
Design Talks 2022
Design talks are hidden gems for designers to quickly learn from other teams' successes and failures! No matter you are a beginner in UX or currently in the field, check out these recent design talks that I really enjoyed watching and found them greatly related to my everyday’s work. Yuan Qing from

Newsletter - Jun 20, 2022
How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong
Hello JUXT friends, It’s been a while and I want to share what kept me so busy over the past few months. As mentioned in my previous issue, I have become a community moderator for Friends of Figma, Hong Kong and I have shifted my focus in running the community instead of contributing content to JUXT

Newsletter - Mar 31, 2022
How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong
Hello JUXT friends, It’s the end of the Q1 of 2022. Hope you have reserve some time to reflect on your progress so far. I treasure my blocked hour that I will spend on writing my own reflection. This month, I have joined Friends of Figma, Hong Kong as one of the community moderator, we organized our

Design Journal - Mar 10, 2022
2021 and more...
Sorry for the delay, probably this will be the LAST year review you will ever read this year, which arrives right before the first quarter has ended. Reflecting on 2021, there’s steady progress on personal and career development. I completed 9 books this year (↑3 comparing to 2020) yet I still faile

Newsletter - Feb 28, 2022
How Might We - Gatsby Starter Obsidian Garden
Hello JUXT friends, It’s a short month in February but it was quite productive for me. This month, I moved to explore the world of Tailwind CSS. Utility-first approach of Tailwind is quite interesting after trying out different styling solutions. I had also applied my learning immediately to my late

Newsletter - Feb 28, 2022
How Might We
Hello JUXT friends, Welcome to the first issue of How Might We! Here I will be sharing more behind the scene & reflection while working on JUXT Design. First month of 2022, I have been busy learning and working on JUXT Design’s new website. I finished a NextJS course last month, which has finally en

Design Journal - Mar 09, 2021
Navigating Design Career with Design OKRs
Finding the right path in your design career can be difficult. When you don't realize the goals or don't know if you are making progress every day. OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) is a goal framework adopted by companies like Google to define and track goals. Instead of using it for company goals an

Design Journal - Jan 08, 2021
Reflecting on 2020
{/* import Film from "components/Film"; import FreeSoloPoster2 from "../2020-04-05 Doocumentaries Watched 2020 Q1/freesolo-poster.jpg"; import ForSamaPoster from "./For-Sama.jpg"; */} What a year 2020 has been. The changes and things that has happened to my personal life as well as the world is tota

Personal - Jul 18, 2020
Documentaries watched, 2020 Apr — Jun Edition
{/* import Film from "components/Film"; import WorkplacePoster from "./workplace.png"; import CubaAndTheCameramanPoster from "./cubaandthecameraman.jpg"; import UrbanisedPoster from "./urbanised.jpg"; import BambooTheatrePoster from "./bambootheatre.jpg"; import ThirdteenthPoster from "./13th.jpg"

Personal - Apr 05, 2020
Documentaries watched, 2020 Jan — Mar Edition
{/* import Film from "@/components/Film"; import HelveticaPoster from "/static/helvetica-poster.jpeg"; import FreeSoloPoster2 from "/static/freesolo-poster.jpg"; import RamsPoster from "/static/rams-poster.png"; import ObjectifiedPoster from "/static/objectified-poster.jpg"; import AmericanFactoryPo

Design Journal - Feb 08, 2020
How to Organise Design Workflow and Operation in Figma
Most people kickstart their project with a blank artboard or template. It is the obvious way to get started. However, user-interface designs tend to be more complicated than just a few pages. How should we approach to organise our screens, when there are 10+, 100+, or even 1000+ screens? And does th

Design Journal - Jan 07, 2020
2019 Wrapped
And a year has passed. 2019 has been quite a journey for me. I have switched to become a full-time in-house product and UI/UX designer. The depth of work and design process that I delivered was totally different. The city that I’m living in, Hong Kong, also faced tremendous suppression in the fight

Design Journal - Sep 18, 2019
Thanks to Figma Plugins, Automated Work Spares More Time For Design
It’s been a while since beta but Figma Plugins is finally here. While Sketch is catching up with their cloud capabilities, Figma has also been working on proper third party support. Figma has become my main design tool over the past year. I have been using it for interface and website design on a da

Design Journal - Sep 29, 2018
Journey to Design Matters
It was a truly enlightening trip to Denmark, attending Design Matters 2018 in Copenhagen (Sep 26 -27, 2018). Not only did the talks and workshops given by design practitioners across the industry are illuminating, but it had also made me realized to take a step back to reflect on the whole workflow

Design Journal - Jul 06, 2018
Essential Color Tools to Step Up Your Design Game
Color is the combination of science and art, a simple color change could have drastic effect on the emotion or perception of the viewer. Being a UI/UX designer, mastering the color theory and its application truly can step up your design game. Stephen Few’s “Tapping the Power of Visual Perception” c

Design Journal - Jul 03, 2018
How to do localization right - Citymapper in Hong Kong
After switching to Android last year, Google Map has been my first choice of transit app. Living in a city that public transport operators discourage open data, transit app is for navigation most of the time. Although selected lines of MTR and bus operators have their app to share real-time next tra

Design Journal - Apr 24, 2018
Design with Data — Why should you design with real content?
We have a lot of assumptions in the process of creating wireframes and mockups for websites & apps. As wireframes & mock-ups are not dynamic, it is easy to aware various scenarios when dummy content or placeholders are used. In contrast to graphic design or typesetting, which you build on certain ma